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How Long Does It Take to See Improvement from Physical Therapy?

Home News & Videos JAG Physical Therapy Blog How Long Does It Take to See Improvement from Physical Therapy?

If you’re about to embark on a course of physical therapy or are going through it right now, you’ll likely have lots of questions about what to expect. One of the things most patients want to know is how long their physical therapy will take.

Of course, this will depend on many different factors, such as the type of injury or condition you’re being treated for, your current level of fitness, and the commitment you put into the program your therapist prescribes.

At JAG PT, the members of our compassionate physical therapy team use their skills and expertise to help you rehabilitate safely and quickly, allowing you to see results fast and get back to your pain-free routine as soon as possible. Book your appointment today or read further to find out more about the factors that affect your recovery time.

Factors that Affect the Timeline for Physical Therapy Improvement

No two physical therapy journeys are the same. There are many considerations to take into account to estimate a rehabilitation timeline. These include:

  • The severity of your injury or illness
  • Your current fitness level
  • The rate at which your body heals
  • Your age
  • The commitment you put into your personalized therapy program
  • Your motivation to hit your goals
  • The support and encouragement of people around you
  • Whether you follow a healthy lifestyle

While you can’t control everything on this list, many of these factors are ones you can influence. Taking the right lifestyle steps will help you to reach your goals.

What to Expect During Physical Therapy

Most treatment programs last anywhere between 4 to 12 weeks, but of course, progress will depend on your unique combination of circumstances.

At your first appointment with your therapist, they will ask you about your medical history and what led you to seek help. They will also carry out an assessment of your condition and your overall physical state. This helps them to put together a treatment program that could include a range of modalities, such as manual therapy, electrical stimulation (TENS), specialized methods such as the Graston technique or TMJ treatment, and others.

Together you will discuss your goals and how you are going to achieve them. Your therapist will explain how frequently you will need to come for appointments, what work you can do at home, and roughly how long the entire program may last, but this length of time isn’t set in stone.

During the course of your program, you will have the chance to discuss how well you think the activities are helping your condition, and your therapist may adjust them in response to your progress. When you have reached the goals set with your therapist and you feel comfortable with carrying out pre-injury activity levels,, your therapist can give you help and advice about staying fit and healthy by continuing regular exercise at home. You should check in with your therapist on a regular basis to ensure that you are in optimum condition and to avoid further injuries or issues.

The Importance of Consistency in Physical Therapy

The success of your physical therapy program depends on the partnership between you and your therapist. While it’s your therapist’s responsibility to assess your condition, create an appropriate program, and monitor your progress, you owe it to yourself to apply consistent effort to enable your recovery.

This means you should follow the program your therapist prescribes, considering the work you need to do as a priority. Make sure you schedule time to follow your prescribed exercises or other training and keep your appointments with your physical therapist — not just for the first week or two of your program but throughout its course.

Tracking Progress: How to Monitor Improvement During Physical Therapy

Tracking progress is an essential part of keeping you motivated — and there are lots of different ways to do this depending on your preference.

One of the simplest ways is to keep a paper diary of your goals and tick them off when you’ve achieved them to get a sense of satisfaction. You may also want to use a health and well-being app where you can record your goals and other vital information, like steps walked every day or time spent exercising.

Keeping track of your achievements means that you will be able to accurately update your therapist at appointments, and it will also help to keep you motivated.

Sticking to the Plan: Strategies for Staying Motivated During Physical Therapy

It might be hard to stay motivated all the way through your physical therapy program. But there are lots of tips and tricks you can employ to keep you on track.

  • Remind yourself of your goals and what you are working toward, whether that’s climbing the stairs unaided or getting back to high-level athletic training. Picture yourself attaining your goal, and you will feel inspired to keep going.
  • Buddy up with a family member or friend who can help motivate you and act as your personal cheerleader. Maybe they can join in with your exercise program or accompany you to appointments. Being supported will make you feel more positive about achieving your objectives.
  • Revisit your goals with your therapist if you are struggling with them. They will be able to make adjustments and suggest alternatives if you are finding any activity too hard.

Let’s Set Those Goals Together

It’s impossible to say exactly how long it will take to see improvement from physical therapy, because everyone’s case is different. But you can always be assured that the more work and commitment you put in, the sooner you will be able to achieve your goals. And remember that you’re not alone — your therapist will be there every step of the way to help you set, work toward, and fulfill your objectives.

At JAG PT, our experienced physical therapists work with patients using a range of methods to help them get back to their active lives in good health. Schedule your appointment today at one of our NJ, NY, or PA locations, or contact us with any questions.

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